Beyond the Horizon

Tripping to The Northern and Bono East Region of Ghana was one of my best moments experienced so far.
Seeing the very dry parts of Ghana was just amazing.
Experiencing the sudden switch of atmosphere from a cooler temperature to a warmer temperature made me more curious to uncover the beautiful land of the people in The North.

Day 1:
The trip was quite fascinating. We made our way deep into the Safari zone of the North, precisely, Mole National Park. The rare sight of seeing different animals like an elephant walking around us, not so close but being around us was one of a kind, after which the Tour Guide led us into seeing a dry tree and a small pond in the Safari. We made our way through the deep parts of the safari by an exclusive Safari Drive.

Day 2:
The Bono Region is one beautiful place to be. We visited Kintampo falls which had a very beautiful scenery and the story behind the Waterfall was very fascinating and interesting. Having to believe that the fall increases by the number of tourists that visit, I mean, was quite intriguing.

Travelling, I say, really teaches us to love in such a way that, you appreciate everything you see, we took pictures of one termitarium ( house of termites) and other beautiful trees that are quite rare in the South.
Travelling unleashes the beauty of Nature and makes creation very beautiful to the eye.

One thing I know for sure is that, as someone who is ready to go places, always make sure you have the right company. People who are ready to learn and explore with you. Thanks to my amazing Colleagues in school, we made beautiful memories and Great bonds of which we will always lean on to hold our friendship.✨❤️

Just Travel and See☺️🌎🤗✨


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